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April 2021


Spring into action. . .


As I watch the rain fall reminisce on the popular phrase that ignites me to spring into action. That phrase is, “April showers bring May flowers”. It is the calming reminder that “this too shall pass” and that greener pastures will be the result of current storms.


Sometimes when I feel stuck, overwhelmed, or lost in a storm, thinking about this phrase grounds me back to my roots - to trust the process and believe in myself.  I find inspiration as I get lost in my thoughts looking out my window and observing the transition from winter to spring. I love watching the emergence of the bulbs from the depths of the soil that protected them through the harsh winter. Slowly but surely, they transition into their purpose-filled state of beautiful flowers.  As I sit quietly in this moment, it feels like the appropriate backdrop to write this newsletter and share three things to encourage any of you who are struggling, feeling stuck, or in a transition and need to “spring into action”.



Dream like you did when you were a kid - in rainbows and unicorns.  The world is your oyster! You can do anything you want to do, but first, you must see it to achieve it. So, take off those glasses of reality that are stifling and limiting your sight to see your dream clearly.  Let yourself go and lose your “what if” inner critic while you connect with those things that bring you joy. In this dream state, there are no rules. There are no bills. There are no dependents. There are no fears. There are no doubts. There are no judgments. There are no requirements. Everything is possible. As you sit in this dream state, let your mind wander to all the places, possibilities, opportunities, and experiences that bring you joy. Write them down.  Every last one of them. Be bold enough to start from the bluest of blue skies in your dreams and possible scenarios.


Now, sit in this moment and let the dream germinate.



Review your list (this is why writing it down is a critical piece) and find the themes that link all of your ideas together. Oftentimes, when you don’t write them down, the ideas stay swirling in your thoughts and can make you feel scattered, lost, and overwhelmed.  By writing them down and looking closely, you will find the common denominators of things and places that bring you joy.  For instance, I had a client who pushed back on this process until we did it. The list consisted of wanting to become a preacher, a real estate agent, a counselor to help at-risk kids and, becoming a life coach. On the surface, it may look like this person is scattered and all over the place but take a closer look.  The theme of being of service to others stands out. This person finds joy in helping people. This person has faith and wants to help other people find or reconnect to their faith. This person wants to be a beacon to guide those from the dark to the light. After analyzing the list, my client also realized that although being a real estate agent fits with being of service to others, it was not really a passion. At the end of this process, this person went from fearful tears of feeling stuck and overwhelmed to joyful tears from connecting to their passion and purpose.



Immediate activation is key. Think of it like a vacation. You already know the weather you like best for the activities that interest you most, but you are not sure where the two come together and which one best fits your budget. So, what do you do?  “Oh well, I guess I can’t go on vacation?” Absolutely not!  You start researching and asking people for suggestions.  Apply this same tactic to figure out how you are going to live your most purpose-filled life. Make goals for yourself that are obtainable to keep you excited to move forward. Take baby steps and celebrate each one. 


Trust the process. Just as the flowers we see in bloom today, started with seeds that were planted long ago, it all takes time. We know with the proper conditions, nurturing and time, those deeply rooted seeds will grow. Every bloom has its season. Be patient and don’t rush the process. You are worth it. Believe in yourself. If you need help, sign-up for a 30-minute complimentary Clarity Coaching session so I can help you "spring into action". This is not a sales call. This is your time for me to listen and help you get clarity on where you want to go.

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January 2021

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